left My Money Making Finds: Blog for Money

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Blog for Money

Hey there is a new segmentation system at payperpost. This is where they are awarding more money high traffic blog’s. If you have a high traffic blog you could make as much as a thousand dollars per post. Now to me that sounds good. I currently don’t have a high traffic blog yet but I can’t wait till my blog gets there.

Did you know that Payperpost charges only a 35% service fee where ReviewMe charges a 100% markup. That means that you will make more money at Payperpost over at least reviewme and possibly some of the others. Do you think you can get more high paying opportunities from payperpost than some of the others, I think I can get higher paying opportunities and I have a lower ranking blog.

So if you’re interested in making some money with your blog you will need to check out payperpost. Sign up review the offers that are available once your blog is approved which can take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. You can then view all or just the one’s that you’re qualified for and start making money.

So in closing what have you got to loose check out payperpost and start making money of you want to?

Blog for money at payperpost