left My Money Making Finds: Smorty Paid to Post

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Smorty Paid to Post

Have you heard of Smorty, well they are another pay to post program. Once you go to the site and sign up, when you sign up you will submit your blog at the same time you sign up. You will need to wait for your blog to be approved. Once that is done you can take offers from the website, and they will email you with offers for posting. This way you can get paid for blogging, if you’re an advertiser you can advertise on blogs, it is all up to you. So visit the website and either get paid for blogging, or sign up to advertise on blogs.

Some of the services offered
Get paid for blogging
Get paid to blog
Advertise on blogs
Blog for money

So as you can see there are going to be a lot of opportunities so you can blog for money, advertise on blogs,

"This is a Sponsered Post"

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...


I thought I would mention that one of your links to the left is an excellent tool for making money online. You don't get paid for blogging, you get paid to talk about finance. It is part of their "The Finance Network".. a finance and credit forum.They are actually good for it. I have posted 5 articles about credit and other financial topics and got $124.37 so far, your posts make money per view and reply. Much easier than most onlin money sites, its actually amazing!

Thought I would share one of your links to the left as being a legit site, hope this helps others :).
