left My Money Making Finds: AVG Anti-Virus

Friday, December 29, 2006

AVG Anti-Virus

A news letter I recieved posted an issue with the AVG Anti-Viruse program that lets a Trojan through. That Trogan is (Trojan Flooder.AKE). There are a couple of symptoms with this that you can look out for. First of all, an alert box will pop up on your screen, telling you about a new threat found on your computer and that you should "heal it now." If you do that, your computer will restart, but that same message will still be there. Your computer will then be stuck in a loop of "flooding.

This is not a fix but it is safer than clicking on "heal it now" It may pop up on your screen at any time, so just ignore it and you should be just fine. Always stay safe If I get a notice as to what the fix is I will post it here

I put in the link block the link to where you can sign up for this news letter it has lots of good stuff. Placing that link here also http://worldstart.com/